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The photograph was taken at Hemel Hempstead Grammar School in 1949. Nancy is in the middle of the back row.

I went to Corner Hall Infants School then on to Boxmoor Junior School and remember a neighbour collecting a classmate to tell her that her father had been killed in action.

I was at the Boxmoor school when an enemy aircraft flew low over the area firing randomly. From that school I passed the scholarship for Hemel Hempstead Grammar School and my parents were given a long list of required uniform that could only be purchased from Rolph's, a rather expensive shop in the High Street.

I was far from academic but loved the House Match afternoons and the gym lessons with the climbing frame and ropes. During the Domestic Science lessons we would cook with powdered milk and eggs and sew with miniature pieces of cloth where we were all taught to sew a "run and fell" seam. All of these lessons could be interrupted by the siren when we would have to go to what was the cycle sheds and the lowest part of the building to wait for the "all clear".
Keywords lessons, gym, air raids, uniform, rationing
Collection Hemel Hempstead School
Place Hemel Hempstead
Year 1945
Conflict World War Two
File type image
Record ID number 141

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