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St Mary's, Apsley End


St Mary's is located in the part of Apsley historically known as Apsley End.


First World War

The cemetery contains graves of five people known to have links to the Hemel Hempstead area:

Ernest Finch

William Hutton

Vernon Lawrence

S Poulter

R W Rhodes

A further three individuals are remembered on individual memorials inside the Church:

Edward Bence-Trower

Alfred Herbert Burtt

James Herbert Reginald Lendrum

Please Contact Us if you have any further information on any of these individuals.

There is also a Parish Memorial, pictured above, inside the Church, with the central panel relating to the First World War.


Second World War

The cemetery contains two Second World War graves:

Leslie Picton

Elsie Sharman

There are also two panels on the internal Parish Memorial inside the Church.


(Photos: Richard Grayson, 11th March 2014.)

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